Honeysuckle is a favorite food for deer, wild turkey, quail and rabbit. It also serves as an excellent cover for wildlife. It occurs in the wild throughout much of the U.S.

Honeysuckle is a favorite food for deer, wild turkey, quail and rabbit. It also serves as an excellent cover for wildlife. It occurs in the wild throughout much of the U.S.

Usually, when you read about a food plot crop you read all the about all the wonderful values of the plant or plant mix. Catch words such as nutritious, high protein, drought hardy, etc. are often used to describe the plant. However, when you mention Japanese honeysuckle the first thing you hear is pest, weed, invasive, snake cover, etc. In the right place, with the correct management, this honeysuckle can be all the good things better known crops planted for wildlife are, and more.

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The Lodge Book of Dutch Oven Cooking By J. Wayne Fears


On April 29 and 30, 2017 during the National Cornbread Festival in South Pittsburg, Tennessee I will be at the Lodge Outlet Store autographing my new book The Lodge Book of Dutch Oven Cooking. With me will be members of the Tennessee Dutch Oven Society cooking some of the recipes from the book for you to sample. I would like to meet as many Dutch oven enthusiasts as possible those two days so put the date on your calendar.

A series of F4 tornados knocks out the electrical transmission lines, cell towers and local power lines in a five county area. For two weeks or more the area faces life without electricity and basic communications.

A small rouge nation has three “in place” radicals in the United States who rent small planes, fly to 15,000 feet above three preselected locations and each simultaneously set off small nuclear devices, an EMP attack. Everything electrical in the United States is fried. Within an instant we are living in the 1300’s.

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It was the hike from hell! To get into the mountainous fold of land so that the wind would be in my favor required me to go straight up a bluff that was thick with cedar and limestone boulders. Then I had to slide down a steep hillside that was covered with cedars, briers and rocks. I was soon in the rocky crevice I had selected as a stand. It looked into a large white oak covered basin where three hollows came together. Once settled in the rock stand, I glanced down at the little G2 Contender rifle I had assembled just for hunting in the Cumberland Mountains.

Within an hour a large nine point buck came to the low grunts I made and the 7-30 Waters handload I had developed for this semi-custom rifle took the buck cleanly at just under 200 yards. Following that first hunt I named the rifle the Cumberland Deerslayer.  Since then the little rifle has taken many deer in the rough Cumberland Mountains of Kentucky, Tennessee and Alabama.

To say the Cumberland Deerslayer is a custom rifle is not correct, for it isn’t. It is a rifle I assembled to hunt a specific region using after market parts and a few friends to help me assemble a short rifle that is perfect for the area I love to hunt. Any hunter can do the same.

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Christmas in the mountains of north Alabama was a special time for me and my buddies, Punky Kelly and Chipmunk Green. School was out, there was plenty of time to put out rabbit box traps, and there was the Christmas pageant at our little rural church, which meant food and presents.

 Setting rabbit box traps was a high priority for us as we thought of ourselves as being mountain men. The excitement was that we never knew what our trap line would produce, one year it was mostly opossums the next a rabbit or two.

This particular Christmas season we each had built one new rabbit box trap. Our trap line started on the creek behind my house where we set one box on an animal trail next to the creek. Then we crossed the pasture to a fencerow near Punkys house where a second box was carefully set. The third box was set a short distance away, next to a brush pile behind Chipmunk’s dad’s barn.

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