The Jackknife

Back when I was a kid no one owned a pocket knife in the mountains; almost every man and boy carried a jackknife. It was a youngster’s rite of passage to be given his or, in some cases, her very own jackknife, usually a special Christmas present. It was special for several good reasons. First most families living around Tater Knob had very little money and the cost of a jackknife strained the budget. Many times a boy’s first knife was his father’s semi-worn out jackknife, when his father got a new one. Second the gift of a jackknife was a sign of reaching the age of responsibility, at least some responsibility.

The gift usually came with a stern warning from the mother about cutting off fingers, sticking out eyes, not cutting on furniture, etc., etc. From the father came the stern talks about keeping the knife sharp – every man knew “a sharp knife was safer than a dull knife”. There would be lessons about how to properly use a whet stone. Then there was the talk about keeping the knife clean, not breaking the blade, not throwing it at trees, and how it was used to do chores both around the farmstead and when trapping, hunting and fishing.

Finally, there would be the warning from both parents that the jackknife was an expensive tool and it was the new owner’s responsibility to know where the knife was at all times and to not loose it!

The age of the kid when he or she got their first jackknife was early in those days as we grew up fast as far as farm chore responsibility and going trapping and hunting was concerned. Most farm kids got their first jackkinfe by the time they were in the fourth grade, long before city kids, mama’s boys and sissies in general got a knife. The jackknife to a farm kid was, in reality, his first working tool and it was to be treated with respect.

I will never forget the beginning of the fifth grade when we spent the first hot day of school getting to know a new teacher to the community, a Miss Taylor, fresh out of college. After calling the roll, pledging alligience to the flag and praying the Lord’s Prayer, Miss Taylor introduced herself and told us that she grew up as a farm girl. Then she asked for a show of hands as to any boys who had a jackknife in their pocket. Up went the hand of almost every boy in the class. Chipmunk, Punky and I almost stood up we were so proud to be “carrying.” Our teacher smiled and told us that she was glad to have so many “men” in her class that she could count on. We smiled back with pride.

Then as the hands went down, there was one hand still up in the air. It was Jenny. “Miss Taylor, I aint’t no boy or man,” Jenny proclaimed, “but I got a jackknife. I always have a jackknife.” Miss Taylor smiled and told us she too carried a jackknife. She and Jenny became close friends that day.

While the jackknife was a working tool used for many things from cutting kindling splinters off “fat-wood” to start a fire in the cook stove on a cold morning to skinning a mink, it was also an instrument of entertainment. It was used to play the then popular game of mumbley-peg, a game we called “root-the-peg.” This game was played often during recess at school. To be skilled at winning “root-the-peg” was a much sought after title. I always had the suspension that Chipmunk and Jenny practiced in secret because they were so good at winning.

“Root-the-peg” was a game that involved doing at least 12 jackknife feats in which each, to be done successfully, ended up with the knife blade sticking in the ground so that the handle was over two fingers high. The first player took his knife through as many of the feats successfully as he could. Once he failed at a feat then a second player took a turn at using his jackknife to do as many feats successfully as possible, then a third and so on. Each round picked up with where the player stopped previously. The last player to successfully complete all 12 feats lost the game.

At the end of the game, a 3- to 4-inch wooden peg, usually cut from a small tree branch, was sharpened and stuck into the ground. Each of the winners, using his jackknife as a hammer, got a predetermined number of strikes on the peg. Usually the peg was driven into the ground up to ground level. Then with loud chants of “root pig, root,” the looser had to pull the peg out of the ground with his teeth, no help from his hands. The “root pig, root” chant heard on the school playground guaranteed the looser a large audience.

After recess, you could always spot the looser of “root-the-peg” as he would have a dirty ring around his mouth and grass in his teeth. It was more often than not Punky. In fact, he lost so many games; he had a semi-permanent dirty ring around his mouth.

Winning at “root-the-peg” was a very serious matter and most of us had many small scars on our fingers from concentrated efforts to accomplish the knife feats. I guess it was, in part, cuts such as these that led to the demise, by over protective adults, of this great game and the “carrying” of jackknives by youngsters.

Those were good days.

Isaac – Trek to King’s Mountain Now Audible Book

Isaac: Trek to King’s Mountain, by J. Wayne Fears, was first released in 2012, as an eBook for young adults (10- to 20-years old approx.) and later as a paperback. The publisher, Bannock Books, quickly found that interest in the little-known 1780 Battle of Kings Mountain (a turning point of the American Revolutionary War) extended well beyond that particular age group. Older readers were also buying this book. Over the years, requests from individuals who preferred to listen to their books steadily increased. Their requests were duly noted. This week, Bannock Books announced that  Isaac: Trek To King’s Mountain is now available in an audible version, read by the renowned professional voice of John Davenport. To get your copy of this audible book, click on

Isaac: Trek to King’s Mountain makes a great Fathers Day gift, graduation present, or exciting book to listen to while traveling, sitting on a beach, or enjoying with your grandchildren and others. This book is real history, told in the style of a timeless adventure story.


There has been an explosion of interest in the management of wild turkeys since they now populate 49 of our 50 states and in southern Canada. One of the most frequent questions we get from land managers in states where wild turkey populations are fairly new is, “What can I plant in food plots to attract and nourish wild turkey on my land?”

Throughout most of the southern half of the U.S. and in many northern states, where the growing temperatures exceed 100 days, the answer is easy – chufa (Cyperus esculentus sativus). Chufa is an African variety of nutsedge, a warm-season perennial plant. When growing, chufa looks like a grass but the grass-like top is not the part of the plant that wild turkey love, it is the nut-like tuber growing under-ground that wild turkey, raccoon, feral hogs and bear love. Also waterfowl love it, but more about that at the end of this article.

Each plant can produce from a dozen to 100 of the acorn-size tubers.

The tubers are high in protein and carbohydrates. When wild turkey begin feeding on a food plot planted in chufa they will feed in the plot until all the tubers are eaten or the new growth of spring provides a more desirable food source. Chufas have a sweet taste and humans can also eat the tubers. Often during my wildlife management career I have had young biologists who ate about as many chufa’s as we planted.

According to Donnie Buckland, a turkey biologist with the National Wild Turkey Federation, who has a lot of experience with chufa, “Chufa is not only important to attract turkeys,” Buckland said, “it’s important for turkeys—hens especially—to go into the breeding and nesting seasons in a healthy state. The bottom line is it is a highly nutritious food for turkeys available at the right time of year [fall, winter and into spring]. This may be especially important when there is a shortage of soft and hard mast.”

Planting Season
Chufa is normally planted from April through June in the southern states and in April and May in the northern states. It needs to be planted so there will be no killing frost when the plant emerges from the soil. It matures in 95 to 110 days with no frost. As it matures, tubers develop underground. Turkeys dig up this food source in the fall and winter after the plant top dies. Caution should be used in areas where the ground freezes for long periods and snow covers the ground as chufa does not provide a winter food source under these conditions. The turkeys cannot dig the tubers up in frozen ground.

Soil Prep
Chufa does best when planted in moderately well-drained sandy, loamy or clay soils. The seed should be planted on well prepared soil free of weeds and other grasses. In the fall, lightly disk food plots planted in clay to break up the soil after the plant has matured so that the tubers are not locked into the tight soil. If it is too difficult to dig the tubers up turkey will abandon the food plot.

When planting chufa, plow or disk the food plot prior to planting. Fertilize and lime according to a soil test. If no soil test, lime the food plot with 1000 pounds of lime per acre into the broken up soil. Next, work 400 pounds of 10-10-10 or 13-13-13 fertilizer per acre into the soil.

Planting Rate
For those planting chufa for the first time it may come as a surprise that you are not planting typical seed, but the nut-like tubers.

Chufa tubers are small and are usually planted by broadcast or drilled. Also they can be planted with a planter in rows. However when planted in rows raccoons will start digging at one end of a row and feed on the entire row, soon eating the entire crop. Broadcasting is the most common way of planting chufa, using either a handheld seeder for small food plots or a larger pull-behind seeder behind a tractor or ATV for large food plots.

The rate for broadcasting is 40- 50 pounds of chufas per acre. After the tubers are scattered cover them to a depth of 1-2-inches with a harrow or drag. If they are properly broadcast there will be 3 to 4 plants per square foot throughout the plot. If drilled, plant in 36-inch rows at a rate of 30 pounds per acre at 6-inch spacings.

If wild turkeys or raccoons find the tubers just after you plant they can eat the majority of your food plot before it comes up. Feral hogs, where found, can be a problem as well so keep that in mind when selecting a planting location. If this is the first time you have ever planted Chufa in your area it is a great idea to uncover a portion of the food plot once the plants come up by lightly disking to reveal the chufa tubers. Turkey may have a difficult time locating the tubers for the first time.

Waterfowl Also
A growing number of waterfowl managers are choosing chufa to plant in drawdown watering areas that are used to attract ducks. They plant the chufas right on the edges of the shallowest water where when flooded the water only will be about 6-inches deep. Once they find chufas they become a favorite food. The ducks swim in the shallow water, tip or dive to the flooded chufas and use their bills to pull the  chufas grass-like tops out of the mud so they can get to the tubers.

Chufas are one of the best food plot crops for wild turkey where it will grow. Many years, due to the demand, chufa seed, it can be difficult to find locally. There are not a lot of seed companies that offer chufas so it is best to line up a seed source well before planting season.


Editor’s Note: Before introducing chufa or any other new plant to your property, check with your county agricultural agent to make sure it is not considered to be an aggressive or undesirable plant for your area.

The Last Mountain Man

This coming Monday, April 4th, we celebrate my late dad’s 118th birthday. George N. Fears, who passed away at the age of 94, was a great dad, husband, grandfather and Christian man. He was a woodsman’s woodsman. Here is part of an interview that writer Denise Huddleston wrote about him in 1976.

“My family was living in the hills of Lincoln County Tennessee in 1904 trying to keep a-living raising crops–especially corn when the news came of the “King Cotton” crop being grown in Alabama. My daddy packed us all in a two horse covered wagon in 1906 and we made the grueling journey to Alabama settling in a three room cabin on Hurricane Creek at the base of Tater Knob Mountain. Things were a bit better for us here, yet we still had little to show for our everyday struggles. Often, I hoed crops, trapped, picked cotton, and did the chores needing to be done around the homestead until I reached the age of ten. By then both my parents had died, I started gathering ginseng, which is a root to be found on the side of the mountain. We got pert near $7 a pound for the ginseng which back then was a lot of money”, laughs the elderly Fears which to the age of 74 has managed to keep a sparkle of the excitement of life in his aging eyes.

With a look of nostalgia Mr. Fears continues saying, “I kept on hunting the wild ginseng up to when I was a young man. “At that time, men were fixing up remote ginseng camps in the mountains which grew strictly oriental roots. The plants were laid up like onion beds. I worked in a camp just under the north end of Tater Knob Mountain as the camp hunter to provide meat for our camp meals. Also, I pulled grass and weeds from around the ginseng beds, watered them and finally harvested them. We didn’t have vats to wash them in like they do today so we just cut down a tree, carved out a basin and let that be our washtub. Ground squirrels and moles became my worst enemies for they’d make quick ruin of the entire crop if they were allowed to! Yep, ginseng helped me out a good deal then and whenever I get a chance, I still like to hunt for it.”

Showing me a fine display of ginseng in his backyard, George Fears reflects back even further, “The greater part of my living between 1914 and 1940 was made by digging sang, trapping and selling furs. I had to quit school at the end of the 8th grade to help provide for younger siblings. A man back then had to live the way he knew best and those were the only things I knew how to do then. Warm summers and extremely cold winters, I’d’ be out running traps knowing that if there wasn’t a possum or coon caught in a trap there’d be no food for that day. It was a rough living and sometimes lonely, yet I sure couldn’t take a wife and expect to support her and myself both when I could barely support me most of the time. For several years, I’d be living out on the mountain alone in a tent coming in only to sell my furs and buy flour, beans and coffee, the barest essentials. I’m a good bit older now, but if I lived farther out from the city, I’d be back out on Tater Knob Mountain running traps just like before”

He continued, “Coming in from the mountains, I found myself a job in a little country store. I tended to customers and help load supplies that were to last for the next week. Most of the business was done on weekends and even then not many folks came in for the Depression was upon us all. Flour, meal, coffee and salt were the main items to be sold for people who had to raise most of their own food because they didn’t have enough money to buy it. Matter of fact, folks used to live off $5.00 worth of groceries a week. So, when I wasn’t helping in the store, I’d be out on my horse with a pack mule traveling back up into the remote coves and hollows buying hide’s, sang roots and fur from mountain folk.

In 1936 Fears, still working in the store and bartering for furs, applied to the TVA for a job which was two years in its’ coming.

“After coming off that mountain” Fears grins impishly, “I saw what I thought was the prettiest sight I’d ever seen in my life–a beautiful, young schoolteacher who I soon took to be my bride. We raised up two fine boys and I taught them the ways of the woods just as I was taught. Even today when they come visiting me, we haul off into the woods recapturing an era a long time gone”

Today, some 72 years since coming to Alabama, Mr. Fears is retired, living in a nice home raising his own ginseng, and occasionally setting his traps in the mountains. Some people may pass him by discounting him, “just an old man”, yet in his heart and soul he remembers the role he played in settling Alabama.


Happy Birthday, Dad. I love you… JW